Extension your stay in Canada
If you want to extend your stay in Canada as a visitor (stay in Canada longer), We can assist you to extend your stay in Canada. The extension of your visitor status is quite a straight forward process.
However, if you are planning to immigrate to Canada or looking for an option to move to Canada. By extension your visitor too many times, it could cause the complication of your future application. We highly recommend you to contact us to discuss your option.
If Immigration Canada approve your application to extend your stay in Canada, They will give you a visitor record.
A visitor record:
is a document that says how long you can stay in Canada
includes an expiry date
that’s the date that you must leave Canada by
A visitor record does not guarantee entry to Canada. If you plan to travel outside Canada or the United States, you need a valid entry document to return to Canada.
What to do if I forgot to extend my status before my visa expired?
We may be able to assist you with the restoration of your status. Please contact us for more detail.
Fees information
Government processing fee from (adult) $100
Representation fee from $340 (extend your status)
Representation fee from $550 (restoration of your status)
Medical examination maybe required for this type of application
Contact Us for more information about extending your visitor status in Canada