Police Certificate - Thailand

Thai police clearance certificate - Thai criminal check
Our team member can help you facilitate your request for Thai Police Certificate or Clearance entirely online from Special Branch of the Royal Thai Police, Criminal record division. Our processing time is 4-7 business days from the day we lodged your application. (*shipping time excluded) You can simply apply it online from our online application intake or you can contact us via email at ThaiPCC@ris-canada.com , Once our team member verify and receive your document(s), we will issue your invoice electronically. You can simply make a payment by Credit card, Debit card, Interac E-transfer, BPAY or cheque.
PLEASE NOTE : If you are currently a client of Resolution Immigration Services (RIS), please check with your representative whether police certificate fee is included. Most of our flat fee services are included with all the documentation required.
Our procedure as follow
Scan or take a photo of your mandatory document(s) listed below under document required section and save to your computer or electronic device.
Fill up our online application intake at https://www.thaipolicecertificate.org/apply-now
Once identity is confirm, you will receive a payment instruction and we will advise you once we have lodged your request to Royal Thai Police office in Bangkok, Thailand.
We will advise you once your certificate or clearance has been issued and a scanned copy will be sent it to you by email. We will ship the document(s) according to the arrangement made; either we send it directly to one of visa offices or directly to your mailing address.
Service charge including government fee ;
For more information about fee, please click here
*additional sale tax(es), GST or HST may applies.
Shipping charge ;
Registered air-mail = included in service charge
FedEx or DHL Priority overnight service (3 business days to Major cities in Canada/USA)= THB฿1,000
FedEx, DHL or courier mail to rural Canada/USA= THB฿1,500
Required Documents
Valid passport
Your current passport
Your most recent Thai Visa, Entry stamp, Work Permit or Permanent residence card (If applicable)
Digital Photo 200X200 pixel or Passport photo
Fingerprint (our representative will advised you if we need your fingerprint or not. If we are able to identify your identity you are not required to submitted your fingerprint to us, If we need your fingerprint we will give you an instruction on how to submit fingerprinting electronically or by ink)
Ready to Apply or have any question? Email us at ThaiPCC@ris-canada.comor call one of our offices.
For more information about Thai Police Clearance Certificate please visit our Thai PCC Section at https://www.thaipolicecertificate.org/